Setting up a SOCKS 5 proxy server to talk to VPN User is on a windows box, where traffic from some applications needs to go through a VPN, but other traffic needs to go through a direct connect. Unfortunately, I've been having a hard time come up with any solution that will allow this.
The first column represents the type of proxy (http or socks4 or socks5) The second column is the IP of the proxy server; And the third column is the port that a proxy is using; Fill these details carefully and save the file. Hit CTRL+X to exit the file and type Y to save the file. Once the file is saved, now its time to run the proxychains SS5 is a socks server that implements the SOCKS v4 and v5 protocol. As a proxy server, SS5 authenticates, profiles and processes network requests for clients. It establishes connections to application hosts for client applications. When the client attempts to access the network, the client connects to the SS5 daemon instead of the application host. Useful links about security, anonymity, proxies: always free fresh and alive socks proxy list, socks ip us, telegram unblock, buy socks list. Mac OS X, and Linux. Similarly, there are ftp_proxy, socks_proxy for serving the exact purpose of their names. There is also all_proxy for setting proxy for all these protocols at once. Just to note, no_proxy unsets proxy for any specific addresses of any (or all) given protocol. Each account will need either its own proxy environment variables or a global proxy can be setup. If the environment requires a 'per-user' setup, then the proxy configuration will need to be achieved by creating a .bashrc file in the home folder to accommodate setting for the following environment variables.
SUSE Linux Enterprise : How to setup a Proxy manually
System proxy settings (Linux hosts only) Workstation Pro uses the host proxy settings to access the VMware Update Server. Manual proxy settings: Select an HTTP or SOCKS proxy, specify the proxy server address, and designate a port number to access the VMware Update Server. Username and Password: The username and password to use for proxy server Practically, a SOCKS server will proxy TCP connections to an arbitrary IP address as well as providing a means for UDP packets to be forwarded. As SOCKS (as it was already marked above) transfers all data from a client to a server, nothing adding from itself, from the point of view of a web-server, a socks proxy is a client. Scroll up in the left pane of the PuTTY window to "Session", then click on Save.Note: the connection type must be SSH. Once you have PuTTY set up to establish a SOCKS proxy connection, you can log into the remote SSH server by clicking on the Open button in PuTTY with the system selected for which you configured the SOCKS proxy support.
Socks proxy is a versatile proxy for all your Internet usage while the HTTP proxy can only be used for surfing. You can use socks proxy to send email, transfer files, chat online, play games as well as surf websites.
Playing with a simple SOCKS5 proxy server on Digital Ocean Apr 13, 2018 3proxy tiny free proxy server for Windows, Linux, Unix 3Proxy tiny free proxy server is really tiny cross-platform (Win32/Win64&Unix) freeware proxy servers set. It includes HTTP proxy with HTTPS and FTP support, SOCKSv4/SOCKSv4.5/SOCKSv5 proxy (socks/socks.exe), POP3 proxy, SMTP proxy, AIM/ICQ proxy (icqpr/icqpr.exe), MSN messenger / Live messenger proxy (msnpr/msnpr.exe), FTP proxy, caching DNS proxy, TCP and UDP portmappers.